Each of us will have a unique experience of menopause - different menopause symptoms bring different impacts, coupled with our own health history and personal philosophy towards how we manage our health. The good news - there are a range of menopause management strategies, or treatments that can experimented with to find the right combination to fit with your experience.

Perimenopause can be the perfect time to take stock, carry out a mini-audit, of how you feel and how you’ve been living life so far. Take time to introduce changes that could help you feel better, improve your health and take back control. Any changes that you may want to make, sit nicely alongside the natural management and non-medical management options for your menopause symptoms which we look at in Managing Menopause Naturally, the non-medical route.

That said, there are medical options that will help to manage the symptoms that are impacting on your day-to-day life. For those who are able to take it, HRT is the recommended treatment to relieve many symptoms of menopause. Read more about it in Medical Menopause Treatments and find out what else in your doctor’s bag.

With so many different strands, perspectives and issues linked with menopause, we like to take a deeper dive. We work with health professionals, holistic practitioners and a wide range of expert guests who share their expertise here to help you make considered and informed choices.

If you’d like us to look at any specific areas in more detail, tell us what you’d like to know more about!

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