What are the stages of menopause?

A word we all know, yet 'menopause' is misused as an easy catch-all that fails to distinguish between the different stages and ages of this period in women’s lives. Being aware of the different ways in which menopause arrives means we can ready ourselves with the best information to take appropriate action in the build-up to our own ‘menopause’ 

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

POI is not to be confused with early, or premature menopause, although it brings many of the same physical symptoms of menopause, coming well before the average age of natural menopause.

Premature menopause

When periods stop before the age of 40, it is premature menopause. One in a hundred women will go through menopause prematurely.

Early menopause

Early menopause happens when a woman's periods stop before the age of 45. Around 5% of women will go through early menopause.


Perimenopause, perhaps the most misunderstood stage before menopause, is the period when you start to experience symptoms of menopause months or years before menopause.


More an event than a stage. It marks twelve months to the date of a woman’s last period. The ‘average’ age in the UK for women to go through menopause is 51.


This is the stage after the day of menopause which lasts for the rest of someone’s life. It’s time to take control of your life and a time to prioritise your menopause health and well-being. 

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