Managing menopause hair loss naturally!

Natural therapies for menopausal hair


Acupuncture needles inserted in specific points, stimulate blood flow to the hair follicle, encouraging hair regrowth. Evidence of success is anecdotal - it isn’t a quick fix but with a little perseverance it may work for you.

Chinese herbal medicine (TCM)

Chinese medicine focuses on kidneys and rebalancing energy, or qi. The theory: disruption to its flow and balance impacts on blood circulation taking its toll on the scalp and hair growth. Talk to a Chinese herbalist about how TCM remedies and acupuncture may help with hair growth.


May help with hair regrowth. Mix 3-5 drops of an essential oils - Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme, Cedarwood with a base oil and apply to your scalp a couple of times a week:


Practitioners may suggest remedies that treat hair loss caused by hormonal imbalance. A medical homeopath will take a detailed history, look at what other symptoms you’re experiencing, and prescribe what they think is an appropriate remedy.

Supplements to help menopausal hair

You should get all the nutrients your body, hair and nails need from a healthy, balanced diet. Supplements that can be used to top up, if necessary, include:

  • Iron*: heavy periods may lead to low ferritin levels – the protein that stores iron in your body. Lack of iron is one of the most common deficiencies in women with thinning hair.

  • Zinc: often recommended by dermatologists for hair loss.

  • Multivitamin & mineral supplement: specifically for menopause. Try Wild Nutrition’s Women's Food-Grown® Skin Hair & Nails

  • Biotin: an essential B vitamin, helps the body to make the protein used to create skin, hair and nails (however, there is some debate about whether this works or not, take no more than 0.9mg per day)

  • Omega-3 supplements: milled Linseeds or fish oils

  • Ginseng & Black Cohosh: phytoestrogens that address underlying hormonal imbalance

Supplements for menopausal nails

  • Nettle – contains the mineral silicone, which may strengthen nails.

  • Evening Primrose Oil – contains essential fatty acids, which may prevent cracking.

  • Vitamin E – apply oil drops directly to your nails and cuticles or as a capsule (will help with hair, skin and nails).

Natural supplements may affect any prescription medications - check with your doctor. Always buy products with a THR (Traditional Herbal Remedy) mark.

The most effective natural approach to improve your hair quality throughout menopause is by eating a healthy diet, learn what you should be eating to halt menopausal hair loss.


Tips for managing hair and nail changes in menopause


Lifestyle Changes for Menopause Electric Shock, Numbness & Tingling