Allergies and Menopause | What can help?

Allergies and lifestyle changes

What you drink can impact menopause allergies

First and foremost, stay hydrated! This can help to dilute the histamines that dictate how your body responds to allergens and help prevent skin from drying out and becoming more susceptible to menopause rashes and itchiness. Try to drink 6-8 medium glasses of water/fluids a day. Herbal tea may help - chamomile for hay fever, ginger for nasal and throat inflammation, and eucalyptus for congestion. Read our blog about drinking water to improve your menopause symptoms.

Diet and nutrition to improve allergies that appear in perimenopause

Menopause drains your immune system. Top it up by eating lots of colourful, fresh, unprocessed fruit and vegetables, rich in vitamins and nutrients. Recent research suggested that eating 10 portions per day will be even more beneficial - think vivid greens, bright reds, deep purples, sunny oranges and yellows for a healthy plate. Try to eat more of the following to boost your immune system:

  • Alliums: onion and garlic pack a powerful punch in protecting the immune system.

  • Vitamin C: a natural antihistamine. Eat more: dark leafy greens, kiwi fruit, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas and peppers.

  • Omega-3 can help reduce inflammation and produce an oily barrier to keep skin hydrated and reduce itching. Remember the acronym SMASH when meal planning: salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring are all good. Eat unsalted nuts, milled linseed & eggs, too.

Can stress trigger allergic reactions in menopause?

Stress weakens the immune system, and can make allergies worse. When you’re stressed, your immune system releases hormones and chemicals including histamine, which can heighten your allergic response. Your menopausal selection box of symptoms can raise your stress levels, so find a calming activity and make time each day for yourself.


Exercise boosts your immune system. Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates and meditation may help to deal with asthma symptoms and other breathing difficulties. These stretching and relaxing practices teach new breathing techniques, ease menopause stress and may reduce chronic inflammation caused by a rogue immune system.

Rest to build your immune system in menopause

Being run-down or not getting enough sleep, weakens your immune system, slowing blood flow to your brain and muscles. Recharge your batteries with a relaxing bath. Burn some essential lavender oils before bed. Be still and rest. Your immune system will thank you.

Soap Strategies

Use unscented and hypoallergenic laundry and body cleansers to minimise contact with the fragrances and alcohol that can irritate your skin and breathing. After showering moisturise your skin to top up moisture levels and create a protective barrier.


Lifestyle changes for heightened smell in menopause


Self-care tips to help with menopause and breast pain